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Major climate agreement in place: Aarhus must be climate neutral by 2030
Borgmester Jacob Bundsgaard (S) underskriver klimaaftalen, som skal gøre Aarhus klimaneutral senest 2030.
Foto: Aarhus Kommune

Major climate agreement in place: Aarhus must be climate neutral by 2030

A majority of the city council has agreed on Monday evening on a climate agreement for 2025-2030 of DKK 300 million, which will ensure that Aarhus becomes climate neutral in six years.
29. APR 2024 20.41

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AARHUS: Visionerne har været for utydelige og de konkrete handlinger for få, siden Aarhus Kommune i 2008 besluttede, at kommunen skulle være klimaneutral i 2030. Det skal en nu vedtaget klimaaftale råde bod på.

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