DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

Subscription conditions

Use of Personal Data

Your personal information is treated confidentially and stored under safe conditions, and in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Your data will not be disclosed to third parties.

When you visit DOI, we register yours IP address. This is for the purpose of controlling subscription access to the pages.
Only logs of IP addresses for customers are stored on DOI.
You always have the right to contact DK Medier, if any questions to the above.


As a customer of DK Medier, we need a number of information such as name, company / organization, address, telephone number and e-mail.
We use this information to process your customer relationship. If it is a large customer agreement with IP access, we have further need to provide your IP address (es) in order to be able to give employees access to the site's content.

Information collected for use in subscription processing kept, for accounting purposes, for five years thereafter the engagement with DK Medier has ended.

All customers can at any time receive a copy of the information, DK Media has about them.
If a customer contacts DK Medier ( or tel. 4635 3343) to get a copy of the registered information, this information is transmitted to the data subject e-mail, in order to ensure that the information only forwarded to the affected person / organization.
Information is sent in clear text and can therefore be readily read transferred to other companies.


The delivered material is protected by Danish copyright law. Full or partial copying, other reproduction or re-use of the material may only take place after writing appointment. Redistribution is not permitted below the material electronically via e-mail.

Trial Subscription

Trial subscriptions expire automatically after the specified period.
There is no termination requirement associated with trial subscriptions.


This section does not apply to trial subscriptions.

The subscription can always be terminated until the expiration of the agreed subscription period.

You can terminate an ongoing agreement after 5 months with 1 month notice to the end of a month.
If there is a balance in the account, it is transferred to the customer's bank account. When payment of receivables is set off administration fee of DKK 100. Failure to pay is not valid as termination and you are required to pay for those services you have received.

Termination of subscription must be in writing to DK Medier by e-mail

Recipients of newsletters

If your commitment with us consists solely in the receipt of newsletters, all information is deleted immediately by unsubscribing from all newsletters