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DOI Jobs provides you with a comprehensive overview of all available positions from all 98 Danish municipalities. Job ads on DOI Jobs can be targeted to specific audiences and search profiles. If you have a job posting you would like to have highlighted and exposed on DOI Jobs then contact:

Henrik Eskelund

Commercial Manager

Tel. 5192 2437

Henrik Eskelund
DK Medier

DK Medier is Denmark's largest media platform in the public sector with more than 150,000 readers of DK News, the Municipality DK, and a number of professional portals. DK Medier delivers news and important knowledge to decision-makers, politicians, and employees in the public sector.

Editorial office Aarhus:
Mejlgade 48
8000 Aarhus C

Adds: Tel. 5192 2437
Administration: Tel. 4635 3342
DK Medier:

Editorial office Copenhagen:
Christiansborg Lok. P4-07
1240 København K

DK Media is Denmark's most read media in the public sector.