DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

IKM Ocean Team

Vesterhavsgade 56
DK-6700 Esbjerg
+45 75 18 00 77 (dagtimerne)
+45 75 18 00 77 (nattetimerne)
44 employees

Benjamin Lorenzen, Vice President Operations


Michael Madsen, Sales & Business Development Manager, O&G and CO2 Technologies

+45 54555006

Cleaning technical fluid carrying systems via mobile solutions, on-line solutions and customized solutions are our core competences.

Environmental impacts are reduced for our clients. IKM Ocean Team proactively practices environmentally sustainability. Converting traditional diesel-powered engines to compact electric motors reduces CO2 emissions as do our innovative and patented equipment ensuring solutions meeting and exceeding the strictest environmental standards. Concretely, we use recycled CO2 to clean pipes used in various industries, just as we use impure CO2 in our test center for the CCUS industry.

Cost-effective solutions are offered on our worldwide platforms for the oil and gas market for both conventional services and on-line technology provision ‘greening’ the oil and gas production without shutting down.

Our services include oil flushing, chemical cleaning, mechanical cleaning, cooling water maintenance, and the related analysis are used in on- and offshore industries like oil & gas extraction, refineries, power stations, CHP plants, the maritime sector, wind turbines and general production industry.