DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

The service company specializing in oil, gas and renewables is already present in the Danish part of the North Sea. But now the company is moving into offices at the harbor in Esbjerg, where there is room for growth.

The service company specializing in oil, gas and renewables is already present in the Danish part of the North Sea. But now the company is moving into offices at the harbor in Esbjerg, where there is room for growth.
21. MAR 2025 14.10

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Danske Havnes bestyrelse har den 19. marts konstitueret sig på ny. Således har brancheforeningen fået nyt formandskab i form af Thomas Elm Kampmann, som bliver ny bestyrelsesformand, mens Rune D. Rasmussen, som er direktør i ADP, bliver næstformand.   

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