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Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.
Indtægterne fra afgifter på eksempelvis diesel vil falde i takt med den grønne omstilling. Det bør Danmark forberede sig på, lyder det fra DI.
Foto: Christian Lindgren/Ritzau Scanpix

Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  

Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  
4. NOV 2024 13.50

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Den grønne omstilling, som det danske samfund er i gang med at på mange måder en god nyhed. Men selvom brugen af fossile energikilder som diesel, olie og kul er en dårlig klimanyhed, så er indtægterne en god nyhed for den danske statskasse.

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