DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
Offshore wind is the new player in Hvide Sande, where a balance must be struck between nature, tourism and traditional port industries such as fishing and the maritime industry and crafts.
DTU's supercomputer Computerome lever op til lever op til alle EU's regler om databeskyttelse.
Foto: Bax Lindhardt

Offshore wind is the new player in Hvide Sande, where a balance must be struck between nature, tourism and traditional port industries such as fishing and the maritime industry and crafts.

Offshore wind is the new player in Hvide Sande, where a balance must be struck between nature, tourism and traditional port industries such as fishing and the maritime industry and crafts.
3. MAR 2025 14.03

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Regeringen ønsker at reducere afhængigheden af store internationale tech-virksomheder, når det gælder opbevaring og behandling af data. Som led i denne indsats har DTU åbnet for bredere brug af supercomputeren Computerome, der skal give offentlige institutioner og private virksomheder mulighed for sikker datalagring på dansk grund. Det skriver DTU i en pressemeddelelse.

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