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The state will drop the use of Chinese surveillance cameras, but the problem is overestimated and is rooted in a lack of technical understanding, says IT security expert Leif Jensen.
Foto: Swen Pf'rtner/AP/Ritzau Scanpix

The state will drop the use of Chinese surveillance cameras, but the problem is overestimated and is rooted in a lack of technical understanding, says IT security expert Leif Jensen.

The state will drop the use of Chinese surveillance cameras, but the problem is overestimated and is rooted in a lack of technical understanding, says IT security expert Leif Jensen.
23. AUG 2024 11.03

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Fire tilladelser i den danske del af Nordsøen skifter nu hænder. Således har Energistyrelsen godkendt en handel mellem Harbour Energy og Wintershall Dea International om at førstnævnte overtager ejerandele i to kulbrintetilladelser og to CO2-tilladelser, som er udstedt af den danske stat til Wintershall Dea. Det oplyser styrelsen i en pressemeddelelse.

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