Underdirektør i EjendomDanmark Jan Ellebye kunne give tilhørerne på Energiforum 2024 en ide om, hvordan kan fx kommer tættere at afrapportere en udlejningejendoms samlede vandforbrug med onlineværktøjet ”Real ESG”.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen, Danish Offshore Industry, DOI.dk
Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.
Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.
Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.
6. MAR 2024 10.35
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