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Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.
Offshoremanden Verner Andersen kom ind i offshorebranchen ved et tilfælde i 1994. Nu er er han gået på pension som 71-årig - her er han i Hjerting, hvor han bor.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry -

Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  
Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  

Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  
24. OKT 2024 10.00

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Offshoremanden Verner Andersen har haft en lang karriere i offshorebranchen, der startede i Esbjerg i 1994. Som uddannet elektriker og senere el-installatør fandt han vej ind i offshorebranchen ved lidt af et tilfælde efter en fyring.

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