Offshoremanden Verner Andersen kom ind i offshorebranchen ved et tilfælde i 1994. Nu er er han gået på pension som 71-årig - her er han i Hjerting, hvor han bor.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry - DOI.dk
Kamala Harris has the same values as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.
Kamala Harris has the same values as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.
Kamala Harris has the same values as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.
24. OKT 2024 10.00
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