DK Havenergi
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The politicians in Ringsted Municipalitys Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipalitys work with renewable energy projects.
Fabrikschef Lars H. Kristensen skal nu i gang med at ansætte medarbejdere, så alt kan være klar til Danmarks største affaldssorteringsanlæg for plasts åbning i januar 2024.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen, DK Medier

The politicians in Ringsted Municipality's Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipality's work with renewable energy projects.

The politicians in Ringsted Municipality's Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipality's work with renewable energy projects.
29. MAR 2023 15.45

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Fabriksdirektøren er allerede blevet ansat. Og selvom han var til stede, da byggeriet holdt rejsegilde tirsdag eftermiddag, så er Lars H. Kristensen ikke helt begyndt endnu.

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