DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
The politicians in Ringsted Municipalitys Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipalitys work with renewable energy projects.
Batteriet får en kapacitet på 100 MWh, hvilket svarer til opvarmningsbehovet for cirka 2.000 husstande.
Foto: Rondo Energy

The politicians in Ringsted Municipality's Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipality's work with renewable energy projects.

The politicians in Ringsted Municipality's Planning and Housing Committee have decided to launch a new plan for involving citizens in the municipality's work with renewable energy projects.
27. JUN 2024 10.40

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Varmeproduktion er en af de største syndere, når det kommer til CO2-udledning i industrien globalt. I forvejen står industrien for cirka 25 pct. af de energirelaterede CO2-udledninger, og hele 74 pct. af energiforbruget er knyttet til varmeproduktion. Derfor er der store CO2-reduktioner at hente i at generere grøn varme til netop industrisektoren.

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