DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
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DK Innovation
Grundfos has signed a contract with construction company MT Højgaard for the construction of a new headquarters in Bjerringbro. Construction is expected to begin soon. 
Odense Havn har indgået en aftale med kinesiske Dajin, som reserverer 100.000 kvm på havnen.
Foto: Odense Havn

Grundfos has signed a contract with construction company MT Højgaard for the construction of a new headquarters in Bjerringbro. Construction is expected to begin soon.  

Grundfos has signed a contract with construction company MT Højgaard for the construction of a new headquarters in Bjerringbro. Construction is expected to begin soon.  
10. DEC 2024 15.44

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En af nøgleleverandørerne til Danmarks største havvindmøllepark, Thor, rykker nu formentligt snart ind på Odense Havn. Således har kinesiske Dajin Heavy Industry Co., reserveret et areal på 100.000 kvm. på Odense Havn. Det oplyser havnen på sin hjemmeside.

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