DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.
NKT skal levere kabler til Holland med indgåelsen af ny aftale.(Arkivfoto.)
Foto: Bo Amstrup/Ritzau Scanpix

Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.

Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.
7. OKT 2024 9.37

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Der er gang i udrulningen af grøn energi i Holland, og det giver behov for øget kapacitet i det hollandske elnet. Det profiterer danske NKT nu på. Således har kabelproducenten indgået en otte år lang rammeaftale med det hollandske forsyningsselskab Enexis om levering af mellemspændingskabler. Det oplyser NKT i en pressemeddelelse.

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