DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
Koncar and Hans Følsgaard must supply the network companies, Cerius-Radius, and their joint operating company, Nexel, with distribution transformers worth approx. 90 million DKK annually.
Foto: Thomas Traasdahl/Ritzau Scanpix

Koncar and Hans Følsgaard must supply the network companies, Cerius-Radius, and their joint operating company, Nexel, with distribution transformers worth approx. 90 million DKK annually.

Koncar and Hans Følsgaard must supply the network companies, Cerius-Radius, and their joint operating company, Nexel, with distribution transformers worth approx. 90 million DKK annually.
30. JAN 2025 8.55

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Polen har store ambitioner på havvindmarkedet og har således med en lov om havvind forpligtet sig til at installere 5,9 GW havvind inden udgangen af 2030 og 11 GW inden udgangen af 2040.

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