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The oil sheik who brought the West to its knees in the 1970s is dead
Den altid velklædte Sheikh Zaki Yamani under et besøg i København i 1970'erne. Hans indlfydelse på verdensøkonomien var enorm, og det fik USA og Europa at mærke med Opec's olieembargo i 1973 og enorm stigning på olieprisen
Foto: Leif Nyholm, Ritzau Scanpix

The oil sheik who brought the West to its knees in the 1970s is dead

Yamani was Saudi oil minister for 24 years and was behind OPEC's oil embargo against the West in 1973, which contributed to Danish mass unemployment.
25. FEB 2021 13.45

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Sheikh Zaki Yamani, der som Saudi-Arabiens olieminister orkestrerede det oliechok, der ramte Vesten som en hammer i 1970'erne, er død i London, 91 år.

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