DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
The governments corona measures have been extended until 13 April, and it is therefore now that the aid packages must prove their worth when the companies have to be kept afloat.
Foto: Ørsted

The government's corona measures have been extended until 13 April, and it is therefore now that the aid packages must prove their worth when the companies have to be kept afloat.

The government's corona measures have been extended until 13 April, and it is therefore now that the aid packages must prove their worth when the companies have to be kept afloat.
25. FEB 2020 9.21

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2019 var et rekordår for vindindsutrien offshore, hvor der blev installeret rekordmeget vindkraft. Hele 5,2 GW vindenergi blev installeret globalt set, viser en rapport fra World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO)

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