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A new international consortium has announced big plans for Bornholm, which the industry association Danske Havne calls super-interesting.
Projektdirektør for Tyra Genopbygningen Morten Hesselager Pedersen har delt en video af Sleipnir på arbejde i Nordsøen.
Foto: Screenshot af video, LinkedIn, Total

A new international consortium has announced big plans for Bornholm, which the industry association Danske Havne calls "super-interesting".

A new international consortium has announced big plans for Bornholm, which the industry association Danske Havne calls "super-interesting".
16. JUN 2020 11.41

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Nedtagningen af Tyra-feltet er i fuld gang, hvor en ny video viser, det store arbejde, som verdens største kranskib, Sleipnir i disse dage er ved at gennemføre. 

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