DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
The port company sees great development opportunities in the port, which was taken over by Thisted Municipality two years ago due to financial problems.
USA's nyudnævnte præsident, Donald Trump, vil fokusere på olie og energi, siger han i indsættelsestale. - Foto: Kevin Lamarque/Ritzau Scanpix

The port company sees great development opportunities in the port, which was taken over by Thisted Municipality two years ago due to financial problems.

The port company sees great development opportunities in the port, which was taken over by Thisted Municipality two years ago due to financial problems.
20. JAN 2025 19.30

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Donald Trump erklærer national energikrise i USA. Det siger han i sin indsættelsestale kort efter at være blevet taget i ed som landets præsident.

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