DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
Byretten har taget stilling til en sag mod elselskabet Velkommen. (Arkivfoto.)
Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT/Ritzau Scanpix

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
5. FEB 2025 11.43

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To telemarketingvirksomheder i form af SalesGroup A/S (nu under konkurs) og Salescorp Denmark ApS er i Københavns Byret blevet dømt for overtrædelse af forbuddet mod uanmodet telefonsalg og vildledning i salg af elselskabet Velkommens produkter.

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