DK Havenergi
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Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbors bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbors users, he missed out on a board seat.
Glasgow University, hvor en af bevillingsmodtagerne skal forske.
Foto: Adobe Stock

Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbor's bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbor's users, he missed out on a board seat.

Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbor's bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbor's users, he missed out on a board seat.

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