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The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.
Folkets Klimamarch hedder demonstrationen, der søndag er foregået syv steder i Danmark. Her ses demonstranter i København. - Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.

The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.
3. JUN 2024 10.03

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En stor gruppe demonstranter var søndag eftermiddag på gaden i København. Folkets Klimamarch hedder demonstrationen, der skal øge opmærksomheden på grøn omstilling i Europa hos både borgere og folkevalgte frem mod valget til EU-Parlamentet.

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