DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
DK Medier once again held the Danish Offshore Industry conference. It took place in Esbjerg, where 100 industry professionals gathered for presentations, debates and networking with topics such as CCS, PtX and AI on the agenda
Nu får potentielle bydere endnu en chance for at byde ind på CO2-lagring i Thorning i Midtjylland(Arkivfoto.)
Foto: Thomas Rousing/Ritzau Scanpix

DK Medier once again held the Danish Offshore Industry conference. It took place in Esbjerg, where 100 industry professionals gathered for presentations, debates and networking with topics such as CCS, PtX and AI on the agenda

DK Medier once again held the Danish Offshore Industry conference. It took place in Esbjerg, where 100 industry professionals gathered for presentations, debates and networking with topics such as CCS, PtX and AI on the agenda

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I juni blev de første tre tilladelser til efterforskning og lagring af CO2 forskellige steder i Danmark tildelt. I det første udbud var der dog fem områder i spil, som var blevet udvalgt på baggrund af De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønlands (GEUS) undersøgelser af undergrunden.

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