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Kraka Economics has previously called the project an economic disaster in slow motion and believes that the decision to pause the project could accelerate the green transition.
Jakob Brandt, adm. direktør i SMVdanmark, advarer om, at mange virksomheder ikke længere har tillid til kompensationsordninger og i stedet vil afskedige medarbejdere ved en ny pandemi.
Foto: Ulrik Jantzen -

Kraka Economics has previously called the project "an economic disaster in slow motion" and believes that the decision to pause the project could accelerate the green transition.

Kraka Economics has previously called the project "an economic disaster in slow motion" and believes that the decision to pause the project could accelerate the green transition.

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Hvis Danmark rammes af en ny pandemi, vil fire ud af ti små og mellemstore virksomheder opsige medarbejdere i stedet for at søge statslig kompensation. Det viser en ny undersøgelse fra SMVdanmark. Organisationen advarer om, at virksomhederne ikke længere har tillid til kompensationsordningerne. Det skriver SMVdanmark i en pressemeddelelse.  

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