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The Attorney General finds several new EIA errors in approvals for oil and gas fields
Kammeradvokaten har gennemgået tilladelser til olie- og gasfelter i Nord- og Østersøen og fundet flere nye fejl. (Arkivfoto.)
Foto: Bonnerup Claus/Ritzau Scanpix

The Attorney General finds several new EIA errors in approvals for oil and gas fields

After an investigation last year found errors in EIA practices for installations in the North and Baltic Seas, new supplementary investigations were launched. These investigations have now found more of the same types of errors.
4. SEP 2024 12.17

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I 2023 kom Kammeradvokaten i en rapport bestilt af Energistyrelsen frem til, at styrelsen havde givet godkendelser til en række felter under Eneretsbevillingen uden overholdelse af VVM- og habitatreglerne.

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