DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
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DK Innovation
New technology provides CO<sub>2</sub>-negative hydrogen production from biogas
Lektor Patrick Biller leder projektet.
Foto: AU Foto

New technology provides CO2-negative hydrogen production from biogas

Denmark's first test-scale plant for hydrogen by catalytic pyrolysis of biogas must be ready in three years. The technology will extract carbon from the atmosphere via photosynthesis, convert it into solid form, and at the same time deliver a very energy-efficient production of hydrogen.

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Kulstoffangst og -lagring er nødvendigt, hvis verden på nogen mulig måde skal nå 1,5 graders-målet i Parisaftalen. Og planter er i forvejen rigtig gode til at optage CO2 fra atmosfæren, så hvorfor ikke bruge det til vores fordel?

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