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DK Innovation
CO<sub>2</sub> storage at Kalundborg is being investigated: Mapping of the subsurface on the water is underway
Semco Maritimes medarbejdere skal fortsat i stort omfang udføre arbejde for TotalEnergies i Nordsøen.
Foto: Rode Joachim/Ritzau Scanpix

CO2 storage at Kalundborg is being investigated: Mapping of the subsurface on the water is underway

CO2 storage at Kalundborg is being investigated: Mapping of the subsurface on the water is underway
11. NOV 2022 8.52

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TotalEnergies har tildelt Semco Maritime en 5-årig kontrakt på levering af mandskab til og services på offshore-installationer i den danske del af Nordsøen. Kontrakten løber fra november 2022 til oktober 2027. Det oplyser Semco Maritime i en pressemeddelelse.

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