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Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.
Tilbage i marts holdt de tre partiledere i regeringen pressemøde om Forsvaret. Onsdag indtager de igen Spejlsalen for at fortælle om den kommende politiske sæson. (Arkivfoto)
Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.

Folketing politician wants a different West Jutland energy policy and is a mayoral candidate for the local elections in 2025.
28. AUG 2024 9.20

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Regeringen holder pressemøde onsdag klokken 12.30 om "den kommende politiske sæson". Det skriver Statsministeriet i en pressemeddelelse.

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