DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.

The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.
4. MAR 2025 12.07

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Direktøren for Vejle Erhvervshavn, 72-årige Knud Vang Nielsen, har opsagt sin stilling og fratræder til sommer. Han ønsker at gå på pension efter et langt arbejdsliv, hvor han blandt andet har haft lederstillinger inden for havnevirksomhed i både Danmark og Norge. Det skriver Vejle Amts Folkeblad.  

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