DK Havenergi
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DK Innovation
The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.
Den fossile industri fortsætter med at øge udledningen af drivhusgasser ved at brænde kul, olie og gas af i store mængder. (Arkivfoto). - Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters

The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.
The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.

The disqualification issue is buzzing in Viborg City Council, and a professor warns of potentially illegal gifts of millions to municipalities that enter into agreements with the company on energy projects.
10. MAR 2025 10.51

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Det er ingen hemmelighed, at producenter af kul, olie og gas er blandt de store syndere, når det gælder udledning af CO2. Men hvor stort et ansvar for klimakrisen står de store spillere i industrien for fossile brændsler i virkeligheden med? Det forsøger en ny analyse at besvare. Det korte svar er et stort ansvar. Meget stort.

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