DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

Recently, the Consumer Council Tänk published a test of 55 Danish electricity companies, in which a number failed. On the same day, the energy group Verdo experienced a lot of traffic on the phones from customers who wanted to change companies.

Recently, the Consumer Council Tänk published a test of 55 Danish electricity companies, in which a number failed. On the same day, the energy group Verdo experienced a lot of traffic on the phones from customers who wanted to change companies.

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EUDP har i 2024 uddelt 631 mio. kr. til 77 nye energiprojekter, der skal accelerere udviklingen af innovative teknologier. Det fremgår af programmets netop offentliggjorte årsberetning. Det skriver Energistyrelsen i en pressemeddelelse.

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