DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
lie fra to forliste tankskibe i Kertjstrædet skyller op på strande i den russiske region Krasnodar. Ifølge Tass hjælper over 5000 redningsarbejdere og frivillige med oprydningen. - Foto: Sergey Pivovarov/Reuters

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
23. DEC 2024 8.47

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Flere delfiner er døde som følge af olieudslip i Sortehavet, efter at to tankskibe forliste grundet dårligt vejr tidligere i december. Det skriver nyhedsbureauet dpa på baggrund af informationer fra det statslige russiske nyhedsbureau Ria.

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