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From newly graduated engineer to a leading role – Caroline Thygesen seized the opportunity and is now working on multi-million dollar projects in the offshore industry.
Torben Lüthje Hansen er direktør med stillingsbetegnelsen general manager for Northern Europe hos Integrity. Som ægte esbjerg-mand kommer han med 18 års erfaring fra offshorebranchen foruden ved en BA i business development og en HD i ledelse.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry -

From newly graduated engineer to a leading role – Caroline Thygesen seized the opportunity and is now working on multi-million dollar projects in the offshore industry.

From newly graduated engineer to a leading role – Caroline Thygesen seized the opportunity and is now working on multi-million dollar projects in the offshore industry.

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Han er Integritys første ansatte i Danmark, general manager for Northern Europe Torben Lüthje Hansen. Direktørstillingen betyder, at han kommer til at stå for markederne i Tyskland, Holland, Danmark og Norge.

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