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More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
Klimarådets formand, Peter Møllgaard, påpeger, at der stadig er lang vej til en reel opfyldelse af klimamålet. (Arkivfoto). - Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.

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Efter at have stemplet regeringens klimapolitik som utilstrækkelig fire år i streg vurderer Klimarådet nu, at vejen til klimamålet i 2030 er anskueliggjort. Det er første gang, at Klimarådet foretager den vurdering.

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