DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
Hanstholm Skibssmedie has noticed that the wind industry came to Hanstholm harbor in February. The CEO is happy about stability in the ports management - and remembers how a surfer bar parted the waters in the city last year.
Både Barack Obama og Joe Biden har lagt opførslen af olierørledningen Keystone XL i graven. Nu vil Donald Trump for anden gang genoplive projektet. (Arkivfoto). - Foto: Brendan Smialowski/Ritzau Scanpix

Hanstholm Skibssmedie has noticed that the wind industry came to Hanstholm harbor in February. The CEO is happy about stability in the port's management - and remembers how a surfer bar parted the waters in the city last year.

Hanstholm Skibssmedie has noticed that the wind industry came to Hanstholm harbor in February. The CEO is happy about stability in the port's management - and remembers how a surfer bar parted the waters in the city last year.
25. FEB 2025 8.41

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USA's præsident, Donald Trump, vil genoplive projektet om en omstridt olierørledning ved navn Keystone XL mellem USA og Canada. Det skriver præsidenten i et opslag på sit sociale medie, Truth Social.

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