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Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.
Anders Benfeldt, senior vice president hos Semco Maritime i Esbjerg og næstformand i bestyrelsen for Dansk Offshore, på sit kontor. Han er medlem af indstillingsudvalget i Fonden for Retfærdig Omstilling, der uddeler midler til grønne projekter i Nord- og Sydjylland.(Arkivfoto).
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry -

Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.
Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.

Dajin Heavy Industry Co. has reserved 100,000 square meters of harbor area at the Port of Odense, which gives Dajin the opportunity to store offshore wind components for European offshore wind projects at the harbour.

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Mellem 2021 og frem til 2027 investerer Fonden for Retfærdig Omstilling 636 mio. kr. i projekter i Nord- og Sydjylland. Netop de to områder er udvalgt i Danmark til at få EU-midlerne, der er målrettet til at forhindre de negative konsekvenser af den grønne omstilling, såsom jobtab.

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