Jesper Vinter Barslund, Group CEO hos Verdo Holding A/S Foto: VerdoVerdo has found a new CEO Verdo Holding A/S has found its new group CEO in the form of Jesper Vinter Barslund, who most recently held a position as CFO at Norlys. 26. FEB 2025 11.26ErhvervNavneIt requires subscription to read this article.I december meldte Verdo Holding ud, at man i det år skulle have ny topchef, da energikoncernens group CEO gennem fem år, Jakob Flyvbjerg Christensen, havde fået job som direktør i CEO i Danske Fragtmænd. EmailPasswordLoginForgotten passwordTry Danish Offshore Industry for 14 daysNon-bindingFree trialNews are worth paying for.Buy subscription