DK Havenergi
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More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
Ankestyrelsen kan være på vej med en tilsynssag i forbindelse med Viborg Kommunes manglende vurdering af Tangeværkets påvirkning af Tange Sø. (Arkivfoto).
Foto: Morten Rasmussen/Biofoto/Ritzau Scanpix

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.

More personnel and climate equipment to handle weather events are among the main points of the new emergency response agreement. However, agreements for cybersecurity and marine environmental preparedness are still missing.
13. JAN 2025 11.20

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VIBORG: Ankestyrelsen har nu bedt Viborg Kommune om en supplerende udtalelse om Tangeværket og Tange Sø, som kommunen i 2023 undlod at lave en ellers lovpligtig habitatsvurdering af. Det fremgår af et brev 6. januar fra Ankestyrelsen til Viborg Byråd.

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