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Energy Forum 2025 focuses on zero emissions in 2050
Direktør for Energiforum Danmark Dorte Nørregaard Larsen ser frem til konferencen Energiforum 2025 i begyndelsen af marts måned på Hotel Nyborg Strand.
Foto: Janne Roest-Madsen - Energiforum Danmark.

Conference on March 4th & 5th:
Energy Forum 2025 focuses on zero emissions in 2050

In 25 years, buildings in the EU will be zero-emission, and this is a challenge that Energy Forum Denmark's annual conference will address in March in Nyborg.

The EU Building Directive has set the goal: Buildings in the EU must be zero-emission buildings by 2050. This applies to all buildings with a few exceptions, such as listed buildings. There are 25 years to reach that goal, and there is inspiration and concrete ideas to get started at Energiforum 2025, which is Energiforum Denmark's annual conference. The conference will take place, as is tradition, at Hotel Nyborg Strand on March 4th & 5th.

Director of Energy Forum Denmark, Dorte Nørregaard Larsen, is happy to put into words what many are surely thinking:

- It is quite a challenge that all buildings, with a few exceptions, must be zero-emission buildings by 2050. And many will say: Hold on, how do we get started, says Dorte Nørregaard Larsen and continues:

- We would like to put it on the agenda and come up with solutions.

In the extensive program for the conference over the two days, there is, among other things, the opportunity to hear Deputy Director of the Confederation of Danish Industry Troels Ranis, who is currently working in the areas of climate, green transition and energy. In addition, the mayor of Middelfart, Johannes Lundsfryd Jensen (S), and former MEP Morten Helveg Petersen (R) will participate in his role as chairman of the board of Synergi, an interest organization that works to reduce energy waste in buildings. From the Danish Parliament, member Christian Friis Bach (V), who sits on the Climate, Energy and Utilities Committee, among other things, will participate.

Concrete solutions

Despite the extensive program, there will be time to get down to business.

- There will be the technical solutions. For example, we have a track on digital twins and how to control consumption across lighting, heating and ventilation, says Dorte Nørregaard Larsen about the very concrete solutions.

You can see more of this at the conference's exhibition, among other things.

- We have 30 good exhibitors where you can see solutions and products. For example, this involves flexible consumption, so that heat is used in buildings when it is green, explains the director and jumps to a track at the conference that provides efficiency in a different way:

- We have a track on indoor climate, where we look at how a good indoor climate helps to reduce sick leave and increase learning. Professor Jørgen Toftum from DTU talks about this, among other things.

Networking: Use each other

In addition to the program and the exhibition, there is one thing that you should remember as a participant at Energy Forum 2025 this year.

- There is once again ample opportunity to network with 350 to 400 people who are working on the green transition. There is a lot of knowledge to be shared, says Dorte Nørregaard Larsen and makes one thing clear:

- We look forward to putting concrete solutions and ideas into the fine ambitions.

Energy Forum 2025 is still open for registrations.

This article has been automatically translated from danish.
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