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Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  

Kamala Harris has the same values ​​as before, although she now wants to crack down harder on illegal immigration and has changed her stance on fracking, she explained in her first interview as a presidential candidate.  
3. MAR 2025 12.06

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Dekan for Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på Københavns Universitet, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, er udnævnt til ny næstforperson i Klimarådet. Han har været medlem af rådet i to år og bliver nu en del af ledelsen sammen med forperson Peter Møllgaard, rektor på Copenhagen Business School, og næstforperson Bente Halkier, professor ved Sociologisk Institut på Københavns Universitet. Det skriver Klimarådet i en pressemeddelelse.  

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