Rene Alcaraz Frederiksen i informationsbygningerne ved Kassø PtX-anlæg, hvor European Energy producerer Danmarks første e-metanol. Anlægget har mødt lovgivningsmæssige forhindringer undervejs, blandt andet på grund af placeringen i en landzone og strengere sikkerhedskrav til opbevaring af e-metanol.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry - DOI.dk. -
Koncar and Hans Følsgaard must supply the network companies, Cerius-Radius, and their joint operating company, Nexel, with distribution transformers worth approx. 90 million DKK annually.
Koncar and Hans Følsgaard must supply the network companies, Cerius-Radius, and their joint operating company, Nexel, with distribution transformers worth approx. 90 million DKK annually.
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