DK Havenergi
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DK Innovation
Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbors bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbors users, he missed out on a board seat.
Rejefiskeren Pau Schramm på Rømø frygter for konsekvenser for havvind ved udbygningen af havvind. Her er han foran et bundtrawl, som han er en af to danske fiskere, der har lov til at bruge.
Foto: Jesper Ernlund Lassen - Danish Offshore Industry -

Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbor's bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbor's users, he missed out on a board seat.

Shrimp fisherman and partner in Rømø Havneservice criticizes a lack of business development by Rømø Harbour. He sees the harbor's bedding as poorly constructed, and despite support from the harbor's users, he missed out on a board seat.

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Det er ikke kun på Vadehavet, at rejefisker Pau Schramm ser tegn på forandringer, og de begynder på Rømøs strand. På en gård på nordspidsen af Rømø viser han en video frem derfra.

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