DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.
Hele oktober skal falske hackerangreb ruste danske virksomheders it-sikkerhed. (Arkivfoto). - Foto: Thomas Samson/Ritzau Scanpix

The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.

The government will use proposals to reduce the high dropout rate in vocational education, where four out of ten drop out.
5. SEP 2024 11.20

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Oktober er den årlige Cybersikkerhedsmåned. Det markerer TDC og en række andre aktører som brancheorganisationer, myndigheder og virksomheder med iscenesatte hackingøvelser i oktober. Det skriver TDC Erhverv i en pressemeddelelse torsdag.

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