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Ørsted is selling off ownership interests in three solar projects in the US, but will retain 50 percent of the solar parks, and will be responsible for operations throughout the parks lifespan.
SA's toldstrid med EU kan true transatlantiske investeringer og handel for mia. kr.
Foto: Jonathan Raa/SIPA/Ritzau Scanpix

Ørsted is selling off ownership interests in three solar projects in the US, but will retain 50 percent of the solar parks, and will be responsible for operations throughout the parks' lifespan.

Ørsted is selling off ownership interests in three solar projects in the US, but will retain 50 percent of the solar parks, and will be responsible for operations throughout the parks' lifespan.

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Den Amerikanske Handelskammer i EU (AmCham) advarer om, at et voksende handelsopgør mellem parterne kan true transatlantiske forretninger til en værdi af 9,5 mia. dollar (66,3 mia. DKK) årligt. Ifølge AmCham udgjorde handelen med varer og tjenesteydelser alene to mia. dollar (14 mia. DKK) sidste år. Det skriver tyske Spiegel.  

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