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If Donald Trump wins the election in the US and does as he intends, there will be taxes on exports. It will challenge Danish business, say the ambassador and DI.
Handelsminister Howard Lutnick siger, at recession vil være "det værd" for at få Trumps politikker indført.
Foto: Nathan Howard/Reuters.

If Donald Trump wins the election in the US and does as he intends, there will be taxes on exports. It will challenge Danish business, say the ambassador and DI.

If Donald Trump wins the election in the US and does as he intends, there will be taxes on exports. It will challenge Danish business, say the ambassador and DI.

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Den amerikanske præsident Donald Trumps økonomiske politik er mildest talt omstridt. Den begyndende handelskrig med nye toldafgifter mod vigtige samhandelspartnere som EU, Canada og Kina bliver kritiseret bredt. Og i USA deler den vandene. Her mener et flertal af amerikanerne - 57 pct - at Trumps økonomiske politik er "for uberegnelig". Det viser en ny meningsmåling fra Reuters/Ipsos.

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