DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation
Municipalities in the southern Netherlands are stopping construction of new tall wind turbines to protect World Heritage windmills and birdlife. But new turbines are coming anyway.
Fra venstre John Hansen forhandlingssekretær i 3F Industri, Henrik Fugmann bestyrelsesformand i TEKNIQ, Kasper Palm forhandlingschef i Dansk Metal og Henrik W. Petersen forbundsformand i Blik- og Rørarbejderforbundet. Parterne er blevet enige om en ny overenskomstaftale for cirka 10.000 ansatte i metalindustrien.

Municipalities in the southern Netherlands are stopping construction of new tall wind turbines to protect World Heritage windmills and birdlife. But new turbines are coming anyway.

Municipalities in the southern Netherlands are stopping construction of new tall wind turbines to protect World Heritage windmills and birdlife. But new turbines are coming anyway.
17. MAR 2025 8.40

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Efter intense forhandlinger er TEKNIQ, Dansk Metal, Blik- og Rørarbejderforbundet og 3F Industri blevet enige om en ny overenskomstaftale for ansatte i metalindustrien. Det skriver TEKNIQ i en pressemeddelelse.

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