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If measures are delivered as hoped, we stand to reach the 2030 climate goal, according to figures. However, we are not on target, says the minister.
Jakob Baruël Poulsen er adm. direktør og partner hos Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, der netop har afsluttet en stor investeringsrunde.
Foto: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

If measures are delivered as hoped, we stand to reach the 2030 climate goal, according to figures. However, we are not on target, says the minister.

If measures are delivered as hoped, we stand to reach the 2030 climate goal, according to figures. However, we are not on target, says the minister.
14. MAR 2025 9.15

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Investorinteressen for store grønne energiinfrastrukturprojekter er stærk, og CIP afslutter nu fundraisingen for CI V med samlede tilsagn, der overstiger målet på 89,5 mia. kr., eksklusive kapital rejst til medinvesteringer. Det skriver CIP i en pressemeddelelse.

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