Sidste år blev der solgt 9790 vandbårne varmepumper, der kan installeres som erstatning for et gasfyr. (Arkivfoto). - Foto: Rune øe/Ritzau Scanpix Sales of water-based heat pumps have more than halved in a year 9,790 water-based heat pumps were sold last year. That's 60 percent fewer than the year before, figures show. 22. JAN 2025 9.04EnergiGasPolitikIt requires subscription to read this article.Regeringens grønne ambition om at få gasfyrene ud af danske hjem, kan hjælpes af sted med varmepumper og fjernvarme.EmailPasswordLoginForgotten passwordTry Danish Offshore Industry for 14 daysNon-bindingFree trialNews are worth paying for.Buy subscription