DK Havenergi
DK Vindkraft
DK Solenergi
DK Innovation

Bravida has entered into an agreement with Energinet for the inspection and maintenance of eight offshore facilities that transport electricity from offshore wind turbines to land. The agreement runs for up to eight years and has a value of DKK 94 million.

Bravida has entered into an agreement with Energinet for the inspection and maintenance of eight offshore facilities that transport electricity from offshore wind turbines to land. The agreement runs for up to eight years and has a value of DKK 94 million.

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En opsigtsvækkende slags byttehandel kan måske være under opsejling. USA's præsident, Donald Trump, og Ukraines præsident, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, virker til at være ved at finde frem til en aftale, der kan sikre fortsat amerikansk støtte til Ukraine.

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